The Table Stakes programs


All of the Table Stakes programs applied similar techniques and processes: They brought together a cohort of news organizations and provided them with expert coaching as they tackled crucial challenges. 

The programs varied in several different ways — such as which kinds of news organizations participated and how the meetings were conducted.

Below is an overview of each Table Stakes program.


Major Market


The major market program brought together four to eight news organizations from across the country for a year-long program and tended to focus on publications from the largest metropolitan areas of the country. Coaches supported their teams throughout the year, including through digital office hours, three-day in-person or virtual sessions with the entire cohort, and social team-building activities. The program had six cohorts and ran from 2015 to 2021.

Poynter Institute


The Poynter Institute's Local News Innovation program served small to medium-size news organizations, with a focus on family-owned, nonprofit and independent media. Within each cohort, participants were grouped with up to four news organizations that served as their peer group. Teams received personalized coaching, peer group support and monthly webinars on best practices and the latest research. The program had six cohorts and ran from 2017 to 2023.



The Knight-ASU Table Stakes for Broadcast program brought together eight to 12 TV stations representing many of the local broadcasting companies, to drive newsroom transformation through station-selected, year-long performance challenges. Case studies, innovations and strategic insights were published on the Cronkite News Lab website. The program had three cohorts and ran from 2018 to 2021.



The UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media’s Center for Innovation and Sustainability in Local Media (CISLM) brought together nonprofits, for-profits, startups and established news organizations of all mediums from across the southeastern U.S. Participants worked with expert coaches and updated one another throughout the year on their progress with their various performance challenges. The program had six cohorts that served more than 60 news organizations and ran from 2017 to 2023, and also offered reunions, trainings and other offerings to alumni organizations through 2024.

Alumni Sprints


The American Press Institute brought together up to six Table Stakes alumni organizations for five-month sprint programs that allowed teams to build on their digital transformation and apply tools they learned in the core programs toward a specific strategic focus. Each cohort was designed along a theme, including digital subscription growth, community engagement, product development and live events. Teams were supported by coaches and subject-matter experts. There were five alumni sprint cohorts from 2022 to 2024.